How to keep ourselves away from overthinking?

Sometimes, we overburden our mind with many things. The most of these many things are so petty that don't deserve a place in our minds. On the contrary, these trivial things occupy the most of our mind's space. It consumes the most of our time as well as energy, which we can utilize elsewhere. So, before we think anything, we need to prioritize our thoughts. Subsequently, it is essential to ask ourselves whether that particular matter is important now or there are other things which require our attention.  Also, what we can do is set a time limit for every work and action. Let us not over-occupy ourselves in anything for an elongated period. Let us divert our mind by indulging in something else. Indulgence in something else breaks the chain of current thoughts. Even, there are some situations where we become rattled and clueless. In those cases, we should not hesitate to take the help from people who are good at it. We should never feel ashamed as help from somebody will only enhance our skills.  Furthermore, taking breaks from work after a specified time duration is also important. It soothes our mind.  Last but not the least, spending quality time with family and friends keeps us away from stressful situations, and consequently keeps us away from overthinking. Nonetheless, it is not at that easy as it looks. Most of the times, thoughts are not under our control. Managing and prioritizing the thinking process is extremely difficult. LET US START MEDITATING.  Meditation is a channel to connect with the inner self. Until and unless we explore our inner self, we will not be able to regulate and monitor our thought process. Learning the art of Meditation may take some time, but we need to be patient. Rest assured, we will discover the magic. Moreover, once we taste its feel, the thought process shall certainly be in our control.      

Pessimists are stressed because they are not able to solve problems which doesn’t even exist.

My dear friend, you need to see the bright side of things no matter what. The desired outcome will occur only when you believe it to happen. Creating a shadow of doubt means questioning your ability. Never waste your time counting the possibility of the chances. Just do it. If it is possible, it will happen. Even if it's not, surely, it will make you experienced. Rest assured, you never lose in any of the conditions. Summon into minds; You cannot turn into a pessimist overnight. A single situation is not mighty enough to convert you into a pessimist unless you reciprocate the same feeling for that particular situation. I shall explain to you how... A few instances... Say, you failed in an exam or lost a sports match or suffered a business loss. Other instances, you did not qualify a job interview, or you did not get the desired appreciation, or maybe a decision proving wrong, and much such life hitches. The subsequent process: These life-situations infuse a negative thought inside your mind. In due course, one negative thought triggers your over-thinking mode, wherein you keep on thinking of that loss/failure. Suddenly, it starts reflecting in your attitude. By and by, you begin to criticize people and blame your destiny for anything unfavorable to you. You start thinking that you are worthless, which converts into a firm belief. You feel that you cannot win or succeed. Eventually, you develop a mindset where you begin to find failures even in your success, Yes, even if there is no reason to feel stressed, you try to find one. Even if you feel happy, you believe it to be an illusion. You keep on losing thereon and eventually turn into a pessimist. You know pessimists do have a unique ability... It is the ability to find a problem even in a solution. They do not breathe free or break free. They get caged in their world full of wrong beliefs and negativity. They do not want to expand the boundaries of their comfort zone because of their apprehensions. They fear anything and everything and where there is fear, your approach to situations can never be positive. Yes, pessimists try to find out problems rather than finding solutions. Time for some Happy Realizations... No wonder, life hits you hard. It is full of uncertainties and unpredictabilities. Situations will not always be favorable to you. You cannot always control losses,  failures, mishaps or misfortunes. Nevertheless, you are the in-charge of how to perceive those situations. What matters the most is how you accept it and deal with it. The approach and the mindset in these situations distinguish between an optimist and a pessimist. That reminds of a quote from a movie sequel of Rocky, in which Sylvester said: “Life is not about how hard you can hit, but how much you can get hit and still keep moving forward.”  Yes, you just have to be optimistic. You can never know what is in the store for you unless you try to find it. All things in perspective; your positive...


Expectations might push you towards your goal, but sometimes they hurt you. Yes, expectations hurt terribly. Well, the people expecting out of you might close to you.  It is because of the closeness with them; you want to fulfill their expectations. As a result, you get overburdened by those expectations. Eventually, what happens is you start believing in the notion of others rather than own self. One thing you need to realize is, if these expectations are not allowing you to breathe freely, these are not your expectations from you. The foremost thing you need to do is explore your inner self and find out your core competencies and the areas of your interest.  Undoubtedly, our loved ones want the best out of us, but sometimes they forget that every individual is unique. Try to make them realize your aspirations, your core competence, your passion and things which you love to do. You need to speak out. Make them a part of your dreams than to get carried by their expectations. If those people expecting from you love you and genuinely care for you, they will understand you. Hang on; there is an another set of individuals who expect from you. They are the people who impose expectations just to hurt you or to hold you back. They are neither your family members nor fall in the category of your friends. They are those people who have not done anything in their lives and hence cannot see others progressing. Please avoid such people and say a big “NO” to them. You owe nothing to such people. Avoid them. One more thing, your expectation should become a reason to push you to achieve your goals rather than to hurt you. It is your life. Never waste it by living it for others.          



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