Either you are nude or naked; what’s the difference?

I wish you undress. Watching you nude would be a wonderful treat.
Now before you judge, it’s your mental body I’m talking about!

Sounds silly? it’s not:
Unwrapping your mental body is as vital as wrapping your physical body.

Let’s unwrap!

Differences between Nude and Naked 

I’m sure your mental body doesn’t wear clothes.
It’s lying nude but people cannot see you for a simple reason:
You don’t express your vulnerable originality.
(It can be need of your hour), but at least accept
your nudity than to live in fear of exposed naked

I feel:
When you unveil your orginality by yourself, you are nude. 
When others expose it, you are naked.

Seems nuance, but there is a huge difference between the two.
Nakedness reveals itself. Nudity is placed on display. The nude is condemned to never being naked. Nudity is a form of dress.
The journey to nudity is a painful transformation where you learn the subtle art of giving a damn about people.

Still Confused?

There’s one beautiful citation by MENTAL FLOSS illustrating the difference between naked and nude:
“If you doff your duds to pose while descending a staircase for a tasteful painting done by a respected artist, then you’re nude. If a bunch of paparazzi suddenly burst in through the studio door and take your picture without permission, you are suddenly naked.”

Nude is better than Naked

You age, you mature, you ripe while growing in age.
Your personality flows with time!
Your ‘then and now’ might have a discrepancy. 

And now:
You want to adapt for own good;
Wish to age like a fine wine. 
You strive to flow with time;
Want to experience your journey consciously.
Like to become more and more you!

What’s holding you to unleash?

People already have an opinion about you.
They recognize you a particular way.
And you want to break that monotony!
You know you have changed; you want others to accept it.

But the grey: 
You are afraid of how people will perceive your transformation!!

As bitter as it gets

People cannot take it if you grow more than them.
They are jealous of your self-awareness.
They crib over your maturity. 
Your clarity offends them.
People piss off when you attend them less.
No denial, even you have been guilty.
But it’s human to commit mistakes; right?
This is how we learn.

You are probably wondering:
Is showcasing nudity that easy?

No, it’s not!
People restrict you. They try every way to intercept your transformation. Cry, yell, request, they do it all!

But before you quit

Showcase one performance where you go all in to become nude. Yes, gather courage to express yourself only once.
Reach out to them and let your soul scream — This is my originality; Accept or Leave!
Trust me, you’ll never have to cover your face with an illusory mask of fear again.
One firm step towards finding yourself is worth giving a shot.
One bold attempt to get nude is always better than getting your exposed by people.
Wondering why nudity is paramount?
To breathe freely!
Because today or tomorrow they find the real you hiding.
ou cannot run away from yourself for long.
A few sympathize, most of them call you a liar.
The unbearable suffering is hard to deal with.
Your self-esteem reaches all-time low. 
And now you start afresh.
That again is a learning experience, but why learn every lesson the hard way?
Punch on your face before people knock you down.
Just by residing inside your aura unlocks happy realizations.

Final thoughts:

People are important, the reason you fear their judgments. 
The turnaround is an endurance test as you depend on them financially, emotionally, physically, anyway.
But neve please people sacrificing your nudity.
Disallow people’s encouragement to stimulate you and criticism to demean you.
Never let your raw originality fall prey to social hypocrisy. 
Keep thriving to be your better versions.
You may break hearts unknowingly.
But trust me, you’ll win your heart intentionally.  

Cultivate the supreme Self love
I feel that’s the need of the hour… Good luck!


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