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The fear of fear is your biggest fear…

Have you ever felt that the fear created by your mind is intense than the actual face of the feared moment? And if you don’t fear it, you respond better being it a spontaneous moment? Let us simplify it. The process where you fear your fear... The problem starts with thinking about the fear right from the outset you get to know you have to face an unusual situation. It soon turns into an apprehension. Your mind distresses because of over-thinking about one thing-the feared moment. As a result, you get detached from the present moment.  But after the actualization of the feared moment, surprisingly you realize that you could have dealt better with it. But the real problem was the fear of fear, with the actual intensity of the problem being extremely low. This way, you never win over your fear, and the fear retains inside you because you did not kill it.  I am sure you have gone through this process many times. A few realizations... Fear has nothing to do with being brave or a coward. Everyone fears someone or something. It even works as a boon as it allows you to prepare to face it.  But the problem arises when you don't do anything about it. You keep fearing that moment until it arrives. This way, you never overcome that fear. Adding to your plight, fearing the fear gives birth to many other negative emotions. Eventually, it kills the essence and feel of the now. You see, it is all connected and is a vicious circle. Reasons you fear...       1. Non-awareness of mind in the present moment You do not live the life surrounding you. Instead, you think either about your past or future. It leads to over-thinking and you lose awareness in the present moment. Eventually, overthinking makes way for apprehensions.      2. Low in inner-self attributes When you are low in self-confidence and self-esteem, you don’t back yourself and trust yourself. Your fear keeps revolving inside your mind, leading to worries and apprehensions.      3. An unpleasant past When you have a troubled past, you don’t have pleasant memories to cherish. You relate those dark instances of the past to every upcoming situation and attach apprehensions in the process.  What do you fear? (This is important...) People It relates to your aura. When you do not dwell on your own aura, others’ aura becomes dominant on you. People define your living and thinking because you are under their influence. You become dependent on them and in the process; you fear people. Straight out solution... When you are right according to you, don’t care even if it is wrong according to people. Just back your right with a positive attitude and confidence.  2. Situation You are usually uncomfortable with the news of facing anything new. The situations which force you to step out of your comfort zone becomes the cause of your fear. Straight out solution... You just need to alter your thinking because unless you welcome the new, you will never be able to expand the boundaries of your comfort zone. And if you want to excel...

How to unburden the load of performing huge tasks and responsibilities?

When we encounter a huge task, many of us surrender to it. The word ‘Huge’ describing a task itself begins to lose hope within us. However, is the task always daunting? Interestingly, the task is not huge, our mind makes it huge. Often, it is the burden of the responsibility and not the responsibility, which stresses our minds and breaks us from within. A task will take the same amount of time which it requires to get accomplished. The unnecessary burden created by our mind never entitles us to accomplish the task before time. Moreover, sizing the task itself is a problem. Sizing implies we are preparing our minds to make it an uphill task. Consequently, it keeps us away from initiating it. So, when we really need to accomplish a task, let us start doing it. It is the initiation, they say relieves half of the task's weight.  Sometimes, even if we start, the performance pressure to deliver starts reflecting in our performance. The mental overload of work, duties, and responsibilities creates a fear inside the minds, which keeps us away from indulgence and enjoyment of work. As a result, we try to run away from those tasks. We create a repulsion attitude towards it and finally, either we leave the task then and there, or we underperform.  How many times we have noticed that when we assure our minds to start a particular task from tomorrow but we accidentally start it casually today, we thoroughly enjoyed it. The task is performed even better and is accomplished well within the time limits. Yes, it happens, and it comes off because of the stress-free mental environment because of the evasion of the unwanted performance pressure. Hence, let us break the task into bits and take the bite one by one. It is equally important to take some rest in-between tasks which rejuvenate our spirit. The bigger we see a task, the larger it shall drain our energy and spirit. Remember, a smaller mouthful is chewed easily and relished more than the bigger one. Let us unburden ourselves to perform the best of our abilities and capabilities.  

How to overcome fear?

How to overcome fear?
To overcome fear, let's understand: What is Fear? Fear is just your mind's creation, a byproduct of overthinking, or too much anticipation about anything. It is about the future which has nothing to do with your present. It's better to consciously avoid the thoughts leading to fears. But I'm sure you were unable to do that, that's why you are here, seeking a solution in this article. Let's decode your fear... I feel the problem begins when you try to run away from it instead of facing it. And this is what lands you to fear most of the time. Sometimes, the anxiety about a future event gives way to stress. Gradually, stress makes you apprehensive. Finally, apprehension gives way to fear. Always remember that it is not the fear, but the fear of fear, which is your biggest fear. Let's come straight to the point: How to overcome fear? Well, you have to dive into the river to cross it. You cannot savor the food unless you taste it. It is as simple as that. Similarly, you cannot overcome your fear unless you feel it. And to overcome fear, you need to first accept the fact that you are fearful. And then, you need to listen to your fears carefully. Make sure you don't try to run away from it. Never try to find an escape route without facing it. It's a big blunder you are committing. This way, you'll never be able to win over that fear. You will never be able to prepare yourself to face your fear. You just cannot change the situations every time, make sure you are always in control to chose a response to it. When you have clarity about a response to a situation, you would not want to run away from it. It'll make you feel confident, not apprehensive about it. When there is clarity, you trust your instincts and back it with a positive attitude. You take the problem head-on. You do not overthink, and you do not fear, as simple as that!



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