A jack of all cards can compete with four kings…
Most of you are familiar with the proverb “A jack of all cards but master of none.” But do you know it's in-depth meaning?
Let us sink in deep into its connotation to connect with this article intensely.
Customarily, this proverb is used to signify people who have some knowledge in many fields but do not have expertise in a specific domain. More often than not, people use this proverb sarcastically. It is more of a taunt to tell you that you are good for nothing. Yes, this proverb is used by others to demean you intentionally.
It is quite a negative connotation of this proverb and in this post, we shall try to explore the positive side of it...
My personal realizations:
There was a time when I used to get extremely demotivated by this proverb. I was going through a rough patch in my life. I was facing some serious difficulties in discovering my domain of passion.
It was the phase when people used to shoot this proverb at me the most. These people were no one but my so-called loved ones. My ears got tired of listening to it. They used to tell it casually, never realized the intensity I got affected by it.
You know why I used to get hurt so badly?
It is because somewhere I knew they were not wrong by saying so. It felt like someone is rubbing salt in my open wounds, and I am bound to bear it. I could sense this proverb pointing fingers at me and saying “ You are a loser.”
I started feeling depressed. It is because there wasn’t any field in which I could feel that I am the best. One morning I sensed that overthinking has started taking a toll on my mental health. I realized that before it entirely ruins my mental health, I need to alter my outlook towards life.
I started to meditate, which was not easy initially. I kept on practicing it daily. Gradually, I started enjoying it. I sensed my way of thinking change and began to feel optimistic.
One day when I was meditating, I fathomed a realization. It made me feel positive, energetic and excited. It was nothing but the positive connotation of the proverb “A jack of all cards and master of none,” which shouted: “A jack of all cards can compete with four kings.”
The connotation of "A jack of all cards can compete with four kings"
Even if you have little knowledge in every field, it implies you have all the choices available to explore the domain which pulls your interest the most. Of course, you would find many people better than you in every field. But if you are a jack of all cards, surprisingly, it means all the choices are available to you. It can turn out to be a blessing in disguise for you.
You don't need to do anything special. You just need to have a positive mindset. You just have to explore your inside and target the right field, which you have been neglecting till...
Boring life? 4 super effective ways to break the monotony
What defines your monotonous life? My boredom? Our generation’s boring monotony?
A haunting tradition following since the X generation!
It’s a pre-defined conventional journey — starts with a super-active child at home, an exuberant kid in school, an adventurous youth in college, and then?
As soon as you enter the late twenties and early thirties, don’t you feel:We are puppets dancing off-beat to the tune of a monotonous life?
You won’t disagree more or less we share a common story.
We’ll talk a little about every phase starting teenage. The time before that does not qualify for scrutiny. We were happy souls then.
The tender teenage is the age when most of us are on an exploring spree.
It’s the most exciting phase when most of us are introduced to new experiences. The thrills of hormonal attraction, the adventure of bunking classes, the excitement of a new cellphone, fear of failures, sadness inflicting loss, and whatnot…
Life events are not customary and that’s the best part of this time. Every moment awaits to capture a new experience.
Moving to the next phase is the dawn of adulthood (the twenty-one's) when most of us go through a full range of overwhelming emotions, and gradually we prioritize and move forward with our choices and responses.
But what next?
Don’t you realize life stagnates thereafter?
Yes… the majority of us stand at the doorstep of a monotonous life.
‘That’s because we turn into:spouses and parents in personal livesan employee or an employer in a professional careera mere reputation in the social environmentTill over and out.’
Please keep reading even if you haven’t reached this state, you are closer than you think!
That’s because soon a customary routine takes over to define our life’s monotonous process until we final gasp.
Most have compromised with it. But you don’t belong there, the reason you are here.
Allow me to offer:
4 super effective ways to break the monotony of everyday life:
Twist the thought process
When you program your mind into a routine existence; your mind becomes a jailor and your soul a prisoner. Your life isn’t a beautiful exploration journey anymore.
I may sound silly if I ask you:
Do you wait for the holidays?
Everyone does! Most of us work our asses off the entire week to enjoy on weekends.
But does that mean you are eligible for happiness only on weekends?
I don’t know much but I am sure about this:
We cannot assign a particular date, time, and place for happiness.
My friend; even happiness seems monotonous this way.
What I feel we need this break every day. Any small conscious mind break is capable to break your routine existence.
Listening to music, exercising, or maybe a long drive — any such monotony breaker not involving your mind is capable to rejuvenate your soul.
And when you do that, you realize happiness does not involve the mind, it’s an essence of the soul.
Did you know?
Not only feeling happiness, but a mind rest daily can also raise its potency drastically. Here is a summary of recent research and thinking on the value of taking breaks.
Start it now or else your holiday break remains a random...
Before starting any journey, one has to know the destination. Without a destination, the voyage is incomplete.
Let us assume that we have a set of skills. However, until we don’t know what to do with those skills, they are good for nothing. It’s like living life without a purpose. Goals are essential to move forward in life. Moreover, they help us in harnessing our energy in the right direction. Subsequently, they result in productivity from our efforts and energy.
Goals help us realize our true potential. We come to know about where we stand today and what needs to be done to raise our standards. A goal not only helps us in measuring our progress but also helps in maintaining our focus. A goal oriented person never gets distracted.
Moreover, when we subdivide our goals into small targets, it excitingly motivates us and keeps up our motivational level. Therefore, it is vital to set a goal and work for it.
How to Revive From State Where Feelings Turned Negative?
Do you only feel negative during this lockdown?
With pain and helplessness all around,
With your self-identity forced to switch roles,
With a jolted normal for unpredictably long,
The thought pop ups cannot be exciting.
Infact most of them are negative...
Relax... that's human! And it's not only your story.
This is the first time we fall on the same page.
But maybe... this lockdown... most of us went all too far.
Let's Address the Problem
Fear... Dilemmas... Uncertainties... Anxiety... You are thinking too much about the future.
Overflowing thoughts drive you everywhere you don't want to reach.
Now that lays the foundation of a quandary.
Because when this unconscious flow of thoughts continues, it leads to mental diarrhea, which soon attacks your emotions.
Ahh... now that hurts!
With thoughts already conflicting, this lockdown came up with another challenge...
Managing emotions... a bigger task than managing mind.
Do you know what's the result of mismanaged thoughts and emotions?
Your crude feelings turn negative!!
Once your feelings turn negative, no matter how hard you try, you cannot feel happy.
And that's what is happening to most of us.... sitting at homes... having nothing to do.
Bodies are locked down, but minds still wandering.
Painful state this... densely negative!
The good news:
We can get out of here.
Let's talk about the revival now!
How to Revive From State Where Feelings Turned Negative?
Arrange a session You with Yourself where you are disconnected from the outside world.
No people, no cell phones, no distraction whatsoever...
Start with a minimum of 30 min session whenever you get Time.
Time... not a difficult thing to find during this lockdown... isn’t it?
I agree some of my friends would get offended about that.
And that's because there are many samaritans who volunteered to step out of their houses to serve people and nation in anyways.
And there are also individuals who could not afford Me time as they were, and still are busy with their household chores.
But I must say, sacrifice that 30 min of sleep even if you have to, but during this lockdown, everyone needs that session, that session of self-introspection.
So what do you do in that session?
Do nothing different! Quitely get back to basics...
Remind yourself that everything started with your mind... overflowing with negative thoughts... for an extended period.
And that's what touched the depth of feelings.
So to revive your positive feelings, you need to get back to your thoughts.
Go for it! Just sit comfortably, preferably with closed eyes, and observe your thoughts coming and leaving. Don't pay attention to any. Allow them to pass by.
Stop participating.... stop involving with any thought... even the ones you call positive.
We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves. —
Why do you stop paying attention to positive thoughts?
You might be wondering:
No attention to negative thoughts... sounds logical!
But why should I stop paying attention to positive thoughts?
Because that's a ploy.
That's deliberate from the mind to convince you to interact with thoughts.
So that you hook to it... and finally get carried away by the flow of it.
It's a mind's...
12 Mind Shifts to Overcome Impostor Syndrome
Do you fear friends or colleagues will find out you are not as worthy as they think?
Or you feel your success (irrespective big or small) was a fluke and people will soon find out you are a fraud?
Don't worry it's the Impostor Syndrome where you feel like a fraudulent, a pretender, a hoaxer (which you are not).
Approximately 70 percent of people will experience at least one episode of impostor syndrome in their lives.
What's Impostor Syndrome? Why is it vicious?
Often spelled as Imposter, feeling an Impostor is incompetence to deal with your imperfections and perform at the highest standards you set for yourself.
It’s like riding high on egomania while enjoying success and then sliding down to fear of being called a cheater or a fraud.
You feel like a loser irrespective how successful you are.
It makes you incapable to focus on your current work, living in obscurity, not opening up to new opportunities.
Rewards and Recognition do more harm than good where you feel you cannot justify your credentials in the upcoming project, and you fear people will know about your incompetence.
The feeling of an Impostor kills creativity where you are constantly self-judging.
You are too hard on yourself overthinking about people’s opinion of you.
It retracts you from the present moment, discharging the concentration, denting your flow, and jolts your personal and professional growth.
The good news is that you are not alone!
Celebrity quotes on Impostor Syndrome:
When I was younger, I just did it. I just acted. It was just there. So now when I receive recognition for my acting, I feel incredibly uncomfortable. I tend to turn in on myself. I feel like an impostor. It was just something I did.
—Emma Watson
Sometimes I wake up in the morning before going off to a shoot, and I think, I can’t do this. I’m a fraud.
—Kate Winslet
No matter what we've done, there comes a point where you think, 'How did I get here? When are they going to discover that I am, in fact, a fraud and take everything away from me?
—Tom Hanks
I have written eleven books, but each time I think, 'uh oh, they’re going to find out now. I’ve run a game on everybody, and they’re going to find me out.
—Maya Angelou
My Encounter with Impostor Syndrome
Insightful publications like Lifehack, Pick the Brain, Purpose fairy, Dumb Little Man published my articles.
I received accolades for these, including some of my works published on my blog.
Why am I bragging?
The critic appreciation prod to deliver more, as I began expecting too much out of myself.
I started fearing people’s eyes, thinking about them, all of it abstaining from workflow, diminishing my quality of work, questioning my talent and abilities.
I could not write, unable to get rid of the perfectionist inside me self-judging constantly.
My creativity fired many times, soon to nosedive into a polluted pool of uncertainties.
I could not do love doing most — Expressing my thoughts and emotions.
And that led to Impostor Syndrome where there were dilemmas and ambiguity, causing fear and my lower self cried: People will...
16 Simple Anger Management Techniques To Control Outbursts
Do you lose your temper when someone cuts you in traffic?
Or you feel guilty of exploding on anyone you can exercise your dominance, especially children, which you afterward regret?
If something sounds relevant, you need to control your anger.
Mismanaged anger can destroy personal, professional, and social relationships.
It disturbs the peace inside.
Sometimes it’s hard to overturn consequences of fuming anger, especially broken trust and respect in a relationship.
Why do you feel angry? Is anger bad?
You feel angry when people don’t act and situations don’t happen, according to you.
Stubborn thoughts conquer the mind under the rule of ego.
All look perfect until the outside world happens according to your desire.
When people agree to you, you feel proud, unconsciously tuning to a self-boasting state.
But then comes people’s perspective, their choice differs yours, and suddenly you dislike everyone and everything.
You feel hurt, and your dwindled ego cries.
It gets cranky, loaded with stress, and starts yelling on people, even on oneself (those brutal self-judgments).
But that’s the downside of uncontrolled anger.
Though anger is a negative emotion, it’s not a useless emotion.
It powers you with courage to raise a voice for a cause or second a perspective.
Anger is the driver of negative motivation, encouraging you to stand up against bullies and unethical behaviors.
So anger is a powerful emotion, not bad.
We just don’t know to manage anger.
16 magical anger management techniques
Know your triggers
Anger is a little mud over the hard surface of other negative emotions.
Tap on to your anger and embrace it, till you explore the underlying emotions triggering it.
Jealousy or an Unfulfilled expectation... what’s your trigger?
Express in person when you turn calmer
Never hold a grudge.
Talk to them and clear misunderstandings when temperature stabilizes.
Holding it for long converts the loop of thoughts to negative emotions, which mires the raw and true feelings.
Initiate your expression with ‘I’ statement having less or no ‘You’
Try improving the quality of your argument.
Say something like I feel bad as I’m already hurt or I can’t take this as I’m already feeling low.
Then to say:
How can you say this? It’s your fault. What’s wrong with you?
Don’t stop yourself from being sensitive
I am overly sensitive towards emotions.
What I found that’s one trait of my attitude.
I need not change it, instead, stop judging myself for that.
The less I self-judge, the less the anger, the more self-love floats, and the more I spread love.
Stop focussing on personality when you are alone
You lose on life experiences if you spend Me-time adjusting your personality.
You become more and more rigid.
That rigidity fuels the anger most of the time.
Let the people define your personality, stop self-labeling your identity, it’s not your job.
Enhance quality of lifestyle
What nutrition you intake, your discipline at work, and how much you rest, these mostly define your lifestyle.
And a healthy lifestyle is a vital element of conscious living, so work on it.
It’s a must for sanity where you are not fuming over little things.
Affirmation of positive thoughts
It’s a practice, 10-min everyday session.
Positive self talks soaked in love during this.
Gratitude and Forgiveness the sole agendas here.
Raise curiosity to...
No, you are not. You are just going through a rough phase in your life. Maybe, you are overthinking in matters which do not require much of your attention. It also might be the case that you are going through the process of self-realization and self-actualization. Remember, nothing hits you harder than the process of self-realization and self-actualization.
Do not try to overdo things. Do not expect too much out of you. Things will happen. Let it take its time. Everyone has their good and bad times. You need to respect the time zone.
Try to indulge in any productive work. It will keep you away from thinking. Remember, most of the times, overthinking because of idleness is the cause of negativity.
It is equally important not to fear the unknown. Welcome it. Don't fight with it; Face it. Apprehensions are also the cause of worry. Always remember that most of the time, the problem is not the Fear, but 'The Fear of Fear.'
It is also imperative to take pride in whatever you do. Try to do whatever you feel. Moreover, it is equally important to feel whatever you do. Feelings are the essence of staying happy, which are evoked and revived by mediation. Meditation keeps you away from apprehensions and negative thinking.
Moreover, always express whatever you feel. Speak out then and there to flush out negativity. Retaining negative emotions inside you is a definite cause of negativity, where you start taking everything in a wrong sense.
What is contentment and how can I feel it?
Contentment is the realization of a beautiful soul.
It is a feeling which resides within every individual, but only a few are able to explore it.
It's completely different from materialistic happiness dependent on the outside world.
Counting your blessings is the best way to reach there!
A hungry person when smells the aroma of food, it is contentment.
A mother while feeding her child sees a smile on his/her face, it is contentment.
Father, when he sees his daughter in her wedding dress, is contentment.
Contentment is not a thought. It's an unmatched feeling that awakens the lively buds of your soul.
You cannot buy contentment; you earn it!
When you see a flower, it's beauty and scent fills your heart with positivity. At times, you want to become that flower by aromatizing the life of others and spreading happiness.
When one small act of yours brings a smile to someone’s face or a tear of joy in those eyes, that compassion within you is nothing but contentment.
Even in your work sphere, the feeling derived from doing work that makes you happy is contentment.
Sometimes you succeed, sometimes you fail. When you succeed, you feel a sense of joy, it is contentment.
Even when you fail, a proud feeling must arise that you fulfilled the demand of that particular situation by giving your best. That feeling is nothing but contentment.
However, you have to make sure that blissfulness derived out of contentment should never lead to complacency.
It must always make you stress-free rather than making you carefree.
It must push you further than to pull you back.
Remember, standing water gets dirty quickly. So, never stop and keep flowing.
An open letter to a depressed who encounters suicidal thoughts
Is your mind crumbling under the pressure to deliver for your loved ones?
Are you choking for breath under the fear of society and relationships judging your every move?
Is your unworthy job or shaming unemployment raising serious allegations on your capabilities, and you cannot get over your self-judgments?
Or maybe you have everything you desire, but there's still a void, an emptiness obscuring the clarity, and the gray follows where you have no answers to your monkey mind.
If you are any of the many of us, exhale out your loneliness as it's not only your story.
And we don’t have to commit suicide to get ourselves heard.
Yes I used the word Suicide because this is how far depressive thoughts take us sometimes, till the edge of an end.
I promise we shall overcome it together.
How does depression feel like?
Although there are different types of depression, I'll try to express that generic feeling in depression I encounter in bouts at uncertain intervals.
In my experience, depression feels like:
someone is sitting inside my head constantly judging.
a burden to live for the people who are toying with my emotions to fulfill their undue expectations.
a loser who never was, and will never be worthy enough.
a rat who wants to hide in a hole where society can’t see.
pain is endless suffering.
Even if there is no reason to feel sad, I cannot find any reason to feel happy.
The quandary elevates further where feelings enter the void and there are no expressions at all.
That's when I’m convinced the life on the other side is better.
Ouch! it hurts to accept this, but that’s how the face of depression looks like in the form of prolonged sorrow turning on the gloominess where joy seems beyond reach.
Trails of recovery in broken pieces
This is an interesting detail of what happened after an intense suicidal thought.
In the silence of the dark, when I thought it's all over, there was a flash of nostalgic memories sending a cool breeze to the face of divine soul.
I felt absolute peace ever
While eying death as close, my stress, fear, anxiety, sorrow, suffering, possessions, identifications, all suddenly dropped completely.
It was the lightest I ever felt.
I don't know how, but a wave grew out of the blue that swept all the temporary dwellings, each false projection of mind.
I sensed freedom, and that provoked a nothing-to-lose attitude that was ready to accept the now and welcome the new.
Now I was not wandering unconsciously inside the illusionary boundaries of mind.
There was a will to taste every challenge without a drop of complacency.
I was singing on the rocks, dancing in the mountains, so to speak.
I was feeling my soul beyond thoughts and emotions.
It was an experience where I was celebrating my breaths like a comeback from something as devastating as a suicidal thought.
I was feeling it, the inhales, and the exhales, sinking deeper with each conscious breath.
Yes the power of now was magical as everything was flowing effortlessly then and there.
Those moments transpired a recovery.
Unlike before, I don't live in the smugness of realized...
Why is it important to stay aware in the present moment?
The past is gone; The future is unpredictable. What you have and what you can control right now is your present. It is imperative to feel it to enjoy it.
As they say, time and tide wait for none; likewise, you should appreciate the present moment rather than making a hue and cry of your past or worrying about the future.
On the contrary, what you do is either you ponder upon your past, or you are busy making plans for future. As a result, you neglect to feel the essence of the present moment.You need to realize that 'now' is the moment to cherish. These small moments in the present moment can only make your life happy. Awareness in the present moment makes every moment memorable in a way where you don't need memories to cherish later.
When you enjoy the present, the future is bound to be good. One foot in the past and one foot in the future is just like keeping your feet in two boats and trying to make a balance to stay safe. This way, you will not only hurt yourself but also will lose the precious moments of now.
STOP HERE. Take deep breaths. Enjoy the NOW. Don't run away from it. Don't allow your thinking to take control over your feelings. Things will happen. You are neither early nor late. Respect the 'TIME ZONE.' Just flow with each passing moment. Relax and enjoy the present moment. Learn the art of Meditation to stimulate your feelings, which will keep you away from overthinking.
Life is beautiful. Start cherishing every moment now.