Try this exercise to enter the moment

Blind Expressing...

old school journal writing

Is your monkey mind guilty of attending only distractions?
Is your desire to consciously sync with the life-flow remain unfulfilled?
Are you tired of your ego playing the same psychological drama?

All are signs we are less in the moment, and more under powerful influence of the Mind’s unconscious projections.

The following exercise is a doorway into the now.

Well, the word writing may sound boring to you, but I request you to try out the suggested way.
Please experience it yourself to give a reason to your logical mind to believe it. 

It’s a tried-tested by me for quite a while now, and I promise writing won’t be boring this time.

Scribble without a backspace

Bring out that ‘old school’ journal where you blindly express shrugging off your ego-generated identifications.
A conscious 30-min effort every day where you scribble whatever thoughts and emotions you encounter beyond thoughts of publishing it or even reading it again.

Not on the modern-day mediums like computers and tabs, but that ‘old school’ journal which remains your manuscript holding your deep-dark-dirty secrets.

Build that writing space where even if your mind has questions and no answers, you flush out.
There’s no clarity but the void, you still discharge the rawness.

Treat those pages not as your possessions, but as trash, which you would dump it anyway someday.

Pouring words over self-judgments

Leave grammar, style, structure, just vent out the vulnerable expressions of originality by total surrender, no judgments.

Just begin and speak out both the meaningless or the meaningful.

Affirm that’s not editorial content, just a practice to reconnect with life.

Beginning, and then cultivating this habit may not be enjoyable always, but need not lose love in the process. 

As you scribble, you feel a little tide of contentment gently hitting the shores of kind awareness, as your words flow at a slow but consistent pace.

That’s where you feel the source of life flowing from a deeper consciousness, beyond the intellectual concepts of the mind.

I find it the best way to clear my monkey mind by an overwhelm.

The best about journal writing is it doesn’t have a backspace to renovate the past.
That generates willpower to flex creative muscles, to unlock the awareness in the present moment, so that life cruise through instincts.


Self-judgments labels living as a task where your egoistic mind is racing to reach the finish.
That’s where the love in the life process fades away. 

This way, life only happens accidentally.

So how do you enter the now?

Pull out the ‘old school’ journal.
Flush whatever’s inside — your painful emotions and dirty thoughts, or the present moment expressions and subconscious nostalgia.

Write guilt-free, over the fear of judgments, not for anyone but maybe for yourself, to recall those souvenirs somewhere down the memory lane and laugh over it.

Irrespective the language, dedicate a 30 min session to journal writing expressing your original vulnerability.

Go slow as a snail, but scribble in that journal to reconnect with the joyful road, without a reverse from the past, naturally sailing on the wheels of now.

This practice brings clarity, and your future flows from the source of your creative imagination.

Most important, this conventional approach of journal writing tunes the lost frequency to happiness.

Come on, gather discipline and courage holding your pen, gazing at the blank page of your journal, and burst.

Try this exercise to climb over the psychological time and enter the timeless presence in the now.
Yes that’s how magical writing can make you feel!

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