My mind runs here, there, everywhere trying to win the race against time.
It retreats to the past, leaps into the future, only to lose in the present.
My present moment is rolling but my mind is ahead or behind it.
The poor mind is losing in both cases and you know who’s winning?
The unsung battle
Never could I realize my unconscious mind started competing with the invincible Time.
Time proposes friendship, offers to unite, invites the mind to end animosity.
But the audacious mind soaked in ego wishes to rule over the boundless.
Unlike mind, Time never calls it a fight, flowing at a divine pace, faithful to everyone.
But that transparency deceives my mind.
No wonder, my mind one powerful unit. It flaunts, but in self-admiration, forgets everyone and everything is a slave to Time.
Interestingly, both have their best friend… I’m sure you want to meet them.
Meet my mind’s bestie
Intoxication, my mind’s best friend. It possesses every quality.
It makes my mind dance in good times, a pain-reliever in bad.
But my exuberant mind cannot identify Intoxication’s cruel intentions.
Besides having monetary demands, Intoxication seizes independence. It takes my mind for a drive to future, reverses gear, accelerates to the past. And when the psychological drama is over, throws it to the unpleasant reality soon.
Illusionary happiness convinces the unconscious mind to depend on Intoxication mesmerizing by its bittersweetness.
Time watches everything silently and loves the juvenile games!
My mind doesn’t realize flowing with Time creates an awareness that solves most of the riddles.
Mind (riding on ego) wins moments when it has materialistic possessions including power, but Time is smiling on the Death corner to ruin the party.
Time never reacts on course, it’s best friend does the talking!
Unveiling Time’s best friend
None other than Karma.
Brutally honest, one powerful unit.
Time prefers silence, but Karma is violent.
They share beautiful chemistry.
Questions on time, Karma takes the responsibility of answers.
Time defines the best part… the answers of Karma.
The style of Karma’s answering is different, more of a beating.
Poor mind, unable to face the wrath not only lost but also accepted.
Yes… my mind realized it was fighting a lost battle.
Finally, it pleaded to Time …
I lost to you, proud; Karma taught me loud.
Creepy thoughts are dominant, laugh when Ego I say I’m confident.
I want to age with you; I want to walk with you.
Help or it’s my end, please help my friend.
It was difficult to convince Time who thought it could be a mind’s ploy.
But Time filled with self-respect accepted it with open arms.
It responded …
In the quest of running, you forgot how to walk.
I’m winning, either win with me or lose against me.
I’m flowing, either flow with me or drown.
And then evolved a conscious realization …
Happiness is nowhere but in the awareness of the present moment.
My mind made a new friend … my body, which accompanies it everywhere, unlike earlier.
Now, my mental body and physical body walk together along with time.
Do you know how are they connected? Through the awareness of my breaths!
Final Words
Negativity spares none.
I face moments when the outer world is all over me.
The choke holds my breaths and consciousness evades.
Thanks to Time for that beating, a happy realization brings mind back to now, the magical place to be.
I feel happier now! Do you?