Are you depressed? 12 major signs of depression


What is depression?

While it is common for everyone to surface negative emotions, there are people who face these emotions intensely for an elongated time.

Depression is the extreme of mental illness which triggers from a single negative thought and then takes a severe form. It affects both physical and mental health.

Sometimes, there is no apparent reason for depression and this makes it even worse. In most cases, it is hard to identify a depressed person.

Let us try to figure out the symptoms of depression…

1. Thinking more and feeling less

Feel is essential for happiness… Revive the feel! Unnecessary thinking not only leads to negative thinking but also keeps you away from feeling the distinct emotions.

2. Non-awareness in the present moment

You are lost in your past or busy thinking about the future. As a result, you don’t feel the now without realizing that real happiness is nowhere except the now. It is independent of the outside world.

If your sense organs are not consciously performing the respective roles assigned, you lose the awareness in the present moment. And deny the real happiness.

3. Inability to say no to others

You are concerned about pleasing others even at the cost of displeasing yourself. You agree with others even if your inner-self disagrees with it.

4. Waiting for the right moment to be happy

You are not happy now. The definition of your happiness depends on people and place. You crave for happiness outside without realizing that it is inside you.

5. Inability to enjoy solitude

You don’t enjoy your alone time and fear the loneliness. You are lonely even in a crowd.

Find out: How can you convert the feeling of loneliness into solitude?

6. Not content with the possessions and credentials

You expect too much out of you and as a result, keep on demeaning yourself. Instead of feeling proud of your achievements, you keep counting your failures. You keep coming hard on yourself, lose self-respect and self-esteem in the process.

7. Comparison and competition with others


Instead of feeling blessed by comparing yourself with the people less privileged than you, the grass on the other side is always greener to you. You tend to attract negative emotions like jealousy and fear in the process, and eventually, begin to call depression.

8. Too much emphasis on physical appearance and physical health

You over-think about your physical appearance and physical health so much that it infuses stress and fear. Gradually, you kill the love for yourself. Again, it is a gateway to depression.

9. Severe and frequent mood swings

It is common to encounter mood swings. But when you encounter it frequently and abnormally, there is a lot to ponder upon. It is an eminent sign of depression.

 10.The illusion of being judged by others

You fear the judgments of people and so your subsequent move is according to people. It never allows you to do whatever you feel. You dwell inside others’ aura.

11. An unfresh tired mind

You could not feel the freshness of mind even in the mornings. You feel drowsy and your mind is always fatigued for no reason.

12. Habituation to drinking

You don’t feel happy unless you gulp a few drinks. Your count of drinks counts for your happiness. Beware… there’s a lot more you are losing if you are alcoholic.

Final words:

If you could feel any of these symptoms, it is possible that something depresses you. Please don’t ignore it and try to find out the causes for the same.

Depression is not a taboo. Let us talk about it!




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