How to Write Viral Content— the unfulfilled wish of every struggling blogger? (Practical advice)

These are not generic pieces of advice readily available


Do your heartfelt articles fail to connect soulfully with readers? 

I developed a habitual loser-feeling when my passion for writing struggled to find engaging eyes.

Why? I did not know. 

I fulfilled the article’s demand for sufficient time and fulsome dedication.

But the result?
It did not grab my readers’ attention. It never fell under the category of viral content.

Ahh. Pains like a dagger in the heart. And the dreaded fear evolves — Am I capable of living my dream life?

Loosen up if you ever come across this fear. 

This piece must encourage your typing fingers to slap any thought of quitting, and help you produce the long-due viral content.

But before that, let me tell you:
There are plenty of sources offering generic (yet important) pieces of advice. They are good!

But are these suggestions enough to create your much-awaited viral content?
Well, I am not sure! 

Let me list the cosmopolitan suggestions readily available, and then step into the five pieces of advice I didn’t find anywhere.

Generic( but compulsory) pieces of advice already available:


  • Write a keyword-enriched, emotion-provoking headline
  • ‘How to’ and ‘Number’ headlines are more clicks-prone
  • Not composite, but address a niche-specific audience 


  • Draft a tight opening, maybe starting with a question
  • Keep the intro short and crisp, but intriguing enough 
  • Hint at the solution by the end of the intro (Do not offer a direct solution)


  • Break the post into easily digestible chunks — use sub-headings
  • Sprinkle keywords wisely all over the content 
  • Illustrations connect well with the readers, use them


  • A call-to-action offering useful solutions 
  • Offer something extra as a respect to the reader. (After all, he read your entire article)
  • Easy social sharing option just after the end of your article

Although these suggestions are important, I’m unsure these are enough to create a viral post you have been longing for.

Let us jump straight into:

5 suggestions to write viral content (unfulfilled wish of every struggling blogger)

Scribble every thought kissing your mind — Wherever whenever

You cannot write a valuable viral post at one go; it’s a tedious process. It’s impractical to start and complete your article in a single sitting.

You might observe your mind perceives and generates content-related information in broken bits.

Do you ignore any of them?
If yes,  you are losing some vital elements needed to wire a viral post.

What I feel one good thing about pursuing your blogging passion is you cannot allocate a fixed place to follow it. Even if you do it, not necessarily your mind is receptive enough then to think about what you want it to.

Here’s the best part:

Be it for anything, your passion is an integral part of you. It’s never away but always ongoing with you. So make sure you neglect none of your content-related thought any moment. 

How do you do that?

Scribble that thought — on a piece of paper, a diary, or your favorite phone writing applications.

Whenever I come across such thoughts, I note it on my cellphone and Watsapp it to my other number. It’s useful!

Never forget: Those raw thoughts are the basis of a beautiful piece of viral content. So don’t ignore it.

You are not a content-producing machine, but a human talking to a human — Never forget

When you feel the intensity of your piece, you could expect others too — as simple as that.

Emotional connect with the reader is the need of the hour. 

How do you do it?

Become the protagonist. To understand in SEO language, become the keyword of your piece. Like in this article, the protagonist is ‘How to produce viral content.’ 

So unless I feel I am writing viral content, I cannot expect you to believe.

Did you get me?

Dive deep into the character and feel it’s actually happening with you. And rest, your passion for writing will take care.

This way, your words will speak the feelings you wish to express.

Share your personal experience, not the ideal solution everyone know — Make sure

 Don’t you feel practical struggles connect more than the straight-out solutions?

When you share your battle, it gives readers the impression you are one of them. They unburden when they discover they are not struggling alone.

The more they connect to your struggles, the more it motivates them. The more they like you, the more they share your article.

Not as tricky as it seems!

One important thing:

You may spice your personal experience with a tablespoon of imagination, but make sure you don’t sound bossy.

Readers are smart, and hate when you sound omniscient. You are fooling yourself if you feel they cannot distinguish between practical advice and fictitious stories.

As I always say, nude is always better than naked. So break free to reveal your truth.

Only then can you expect loyal readers.

Fear of people’s judgments is a significant block — Get over 

It was a big block to creating viral content.  I cared for everyone, except for my reader.

Will I ruin my parents’ reputation if I publish this piece? 
Do my friends call me an Imposter? 
How will society conceive my composition? 

Yes, I couldn’t gather the courage to publish my heartfelt pieces because of many fears.

I could not dive into the core of every character.

When I published the article Wish on my deathbed, I remember getting many calls to confirm it’s not me who is dying of cancer but the character.

I can understand it was out of concern, but yes, their concern drastically affected my ability to write quality stuff.

If you ever feel the same, do you know how to get rid of it?

Keep reminding oneself — it’s my obligation as a passionate-driven writer to dive into the character. And the fear of people’s judgments cannot stop me.

Let them judge you, but publish a couple of articles embracing that fear, to gradually get over it. 

This is how great actors switch roles with the utmost ease. And a great writer is always good actor.

Step into the readers’ shoes and provide the best advice they strive for — No bullshit

Well, if you are writing for yourself, just to flush out your thoughts, you don’t need readers.

But if you are writing for people, they are your respectful audience, your honest critics. And you need to cater to their demands.

Just to share my experience as a testimony: My passion for writing started 4 years back, which was as raw as diary writing.

Back then, the word blog was not in my dictionary. I couldn’t imagine in my wildest dreams I could earn from it.

That was the time when expressing out my feelings was just a hobby.

But in the past two years, my hobby turned into a passion and passion into my full-time profession.

About my struggling days, they were immensely tough, for a simple reason: Nothing was clicking, as I could not connect the dots between my expressions and engagements.

And now, I proudly share space with the writers in the esteemed publications like LifeHack, Pick the Brain, Purpose Fairy, and Dumb Little Man

Not to boast, just to make you realize the significance of stepping into the readers’ shoes to write a viral post.

Final thoughts:

Relax! You are not battling alone. You are in the same queue once every established writer stood.

Never forget:

Every inspiring author was once an aspiring writer

This article might not relate to my niche, but I still wrote to speak my heart out. It is a breath of fresh air, clearing any doubts, and uprooting any suspicions revolving around my writing career.

I am a proud writer and would continue to express, come what may.

I hope any of these ideas prove useful to create the viral post you have been striving for. And it infuses limitless motivation to love the endurance in your passion-driven career.
Good luck!

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