25 Ways to Achieve Anything  You want in Life

Yes... you can achieve... anything and everything!


Struggling to discover the success ways?

As minors, most of us are fortunate to have parents guide us to our next move. In schools and colleges, we have teachers and professors as our mentors.   

But as soon as we are independent, we have to battle out our success ways alone.  

Is your question How to become successful still struggling to find the best answer?

Rest easy! there are many like you striving to define life on their own terms. Yes… the best characteristic of this phase is it’s nondiscriminatory and spares none.

 And when we’re all in this, let’s battle it out together. Everyone cannot afford the best of life coaches, and so, success tips to inject motivation is the need of the hour!  

Allow me to offer:

25 ways to be successful, tips to achieve anything  you want in life

Fail… to never repeat it again

For me, Success is an elusive mask of realization covering lifeless faces of countless failures. Successful people think about failures as their favorite lessons. They don’t criticize, instead, embrace them.
Yes, there is no substitution to experiencing failures for teaching the best ways to be successful. Don’t be apprehensive about it. Taste failures to explore the possibilities of a breakdown, to never encounter them anymore, and eventually achieve success.

Related: The Most Successful Failure

Listen to your gut over people

Today’s customary obstacle in our success ways is people’s advice, always ready irrespective we seek or not. What worse, we believe in most without trusting our instincts.
My friend… only you have the right answers to your questions.
Listen to everybody but authorize your instinct to make the final call.

Stop expecting people to stop fulfilling their undue expectations

When all have inner demons, let’s combat like a one-man-army.
Needing people to fulfill undue expectations seizes independence. You expect from people, they seek from you.
This give-take relationship is infectious. Explore ways to do it yourself to negate the effect of people obstructing success ways.

Related: You lose via expectations

Never surrender to inevitable lows

When we struggle to find ways to be successful, there comes a point when we hit the rock bottom. Every way out seems impossible.
Hard time this!
But again, this rough patch is customary to every individual and is the real test of patience. The best you can is allowing it move on with awareness, without judgments.

Related: Let go the hard times

Take breaks to prevent your drive transform into a baggage

Sometimes, we push ourselves much into actions of achieving it takes a toll on the quality of output. Productivity suffers and exuberance fades away.
Take it easy. No need to carry unnecessary load to overperform and lose enthusiasm in the process. Let it be slow, smooth, effortless.

Go ask for help (Don’t feel shy)

Not every but a few steps in your struggle period need guiding light. You cannot analyze every dimension of problem by yourself because of a simple reason — you didn’t face it before. And the next step just doesn’t have an answer.
So that’s fine if you seek help from someone to bail you out. That’s smartness, not a weakness!

Never overthink success before achieving 

No wonder, it’s imperative to dream otherwise how would you achieve success in life. Having said, many dreams shatter halfway for a simple reason—  we overthink about the possessions attached to success before achieving.
It creates a desperate urgency in the restless mind to achieve results. Those worldly desires divert the mind.
So refrain from thinking of results to concentrate on the process to take you there. 

Break down your goal into small digestible targets

Realizing a long-term goal is a lingering process, exasperate you now and then. So to keep sprinting high on motivation, it’s important to segregate your goal into doable tasks.
It’s super effective!
A sense of accomplishment reaching those small milestones instills freedom to your endurance.

Don’t allow appreciations to flatter and criticisms to hurt you

Most of us are sensitive to people’s opinions — all love appreciations, a few like the critique. But if you seek the success ways, sooner you get rid of the people’s judgments, smoother you sail.
Remember, people never fall short of their needless assessments about you. Make sure you stay strong and be the only judge of your proceedings.  

Don’t self-humiliate in your lows

When discovering success ways, it’s difficult to feel high every moment. You are fighting a prolonged battle where you will lose often before winning.
It’s important not to allow those losses hurt the cockles of the heart. Keep encouraging yourself as you would to a best friend struggling for motivation.

Keep reminding yourself there are many others on the same leaky boat

This is one of the best ways of self-motivation, by reminding you are not battling alone.
Every journey to achieving is undeniably enduring. After all, it’s a strive to achieve success in life.
It’s a big respite to know not only yours but every journey to success comprises countless failure stories. This timely reminder keeps the fire burning inside the belly.

Make family an integral element of your goal

It’s is a vital step to achieve success in life. When the chips are down, self-motivation becomes an uphill task. And this is where the role of your closed ones plays a deciding role in your success ways.
Better said than done, making them able to step into your shoes can be daunting. But a little courage and off you go. It’ll make your journey pressure-free and most importantly guilt-free. Give it a chance.

Challenge the boundaries of your comfort zone 

It is the key to achieve anything you want in life. The road to success is full of new challenges and on the opposite, comfort zone is luxury restricting to accept those challenges.
It’s on you to decide whether you welcome the change gracefully to explore the new or enjoy the deceptive happiness inside your comfort zone. Make the right call.

Related: 12 reasons to push the boundaries of your comfort zone

Start executing (stop over-analyzing)

Analysis-Analysis-Analysis — Paralysis. Agreed, execution of every step in success ways requires systematic planning. But many a time, we over-think future actions and the practical execution falls short of the theoretical models.
This discrepancy jolts success ways. So make sure both analysis and execution glide together.

Spend time with caring friends, not socializers

Filtering your friend-list is a big stride to become successful in life.
They true to me?
Gracefully accept my real self?
Celebrate my little milestones?
Supportive in my lows?

I love them?

Yes, please ask these questions before devoting your quality time to people who share drinks with you but not your problems.

Be courageous to say no

I consider it the biggest step to achieving anything I want in life. No is just a two-letter word but is louder than many powerful words in my dictionary. But I doubt we use it every time we should.
A Yes might appease the situation that moment (sometimes at the cost of your dignity) but a No makes you stronger, powerful, and resilient.

Be realistic to yourself

No wonder, confidence is essential for defining the success ways. But sometimes confidence evokes self-admiration where you feel everything about you is flawless.
It dents your clarity!
You cannot wear an elusive mask of ego in ignorance about your weaknesses. Being true to yourself is one of the important success tips you must not ignore.

Stop comparing your blessings with others

Blessed with food, clothing, and shelter?
If yes, you are eligible for the fight to achieve anything you want in life.
It’s important to appreciate your means rather than wasting precious time and energy comparing yourself to people.
Remember, your real competition is against your higher self. Make sure to put up a good fight. 

Related: I lost because I competed… with others

Respect time and flow with the moment

Life is unpredictably short, and so is the time frame to achieve your goals. Make sure every moment counts! What happens is when we are inquisitive about success ways, overwhelming thoughts are a collective problem.
These zillion thoughts disconnect our connection with present-moment actions, and we lack devotion to every step.
Remember, sometimes to flow with the present moment, we must surrender to it than fighting against it.

Related: Happiness is awareness and appreciation of the now

Cherish positivity (flush out negativity)

Your journey to success has good times accelerating on smooth surfaces, and bad times bouncing on the potholes.
It’s important to consciously experience it all.
When you do that, you treat yourself reaching little milestones.
Also be aware of the negativity allowing it to enlighten you with a life-lesson.

Appreciate strengths and rectify weaknesses

We cannot be good and bad at everything. You might hold a certain level of expertise in some areas and be vulnerable to other dimensions.
Suppose your line of work demands both — mental strength and physical endurance. Where mind could be your strength and body your weakness, it’s important you acknowledge both.

Avoid distractions by your addictions 

What begun just to experience can turn into a dangerous obsession before you realize it.
Those addictions are a septic seepage in your voyage.
Be it any — alcohol, drugs, significant other, porn, social media; could a big obstruction to exploration of success ways.
Not only it shrinks the level of your mind’s best but also refrains you from extracting your mind’s fullest potential.  

Disallow gloomy past to affect the bright future

We are attached to both good and bad memories. In fact, our present is a composition of past infusions. And the setback is most of us rarely revive the beautiful impressions.
Recalling the past failures seeps in when life punches hard blows. Not only it inflicts pain but abstains your courageous self to take calculated risks needed for growth.

Here are five ways to help let go of your past to make room for that awesome future that lies ahead

Take the word Discipline seriously

Discipline is the best one-word answer to the question How to become successful. Most people emphasize on inculcation of discipline to the lifestyle, but I’m unsure how many practically execute it.
My friend, there is no easy way out, no instant formula to success. You have to strengthen your willpower to practice a disciplinary routine. It’s the core of success. 

Prepare yourself for the worst-case scenario

Before giving it all to become successful in life, you need to test yourself with the most dreaded question — What do I lose if I don’t succeed? 
Whether it’s the financial stability or emotional relationships, evaluate each possibility.
It’s a realistic and practical approach to success. It provokes a fearless attitude where inroads shape your journey.

Final thoughts:

There was a time when I was deep down under with negativity. Exercising these success tips in respective situations pulled me out strong.

So whenever the question What Next bothers you, I hope any of these 25 actionable suggestions come to your rescue. 

My friend… your road to success has both a smooth and a bumpy surface. Go all-in to enjoy this thrilling ride so that you transform it into a success story to cherish for a lifetime… Good luck!

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