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The tale of my sons Mind and Soul

mind and soul
Both my sons, Mind and Soul were born in a small traditional family — Inner World. Soul is the elder one... 9 months elder to my younger son Mind. Three of us share a deep emotional connect ! Wondering who am I? I am Consciousness, Mother of Mind and Soul. Three of us live here, Inside The Inner World. We don’t have an apparent existence, but yes, we do have a lot of unheard experiences to share. Allow me to talk more about my sons... How did I look at Soul? Soul my son, was honest like a reflection of plain mirror. Be it anything, he kept nothing inside. He expressed whatever... and this was Soul’s biggest strength. He was the most emotional out of us, the reason Soul was super responsive to his deep-rooted essence — Feelings!! About Mind... He had a strange fascination for his thoughts. He was volatile, he was super-active — the traits that made him vulnerable to everything. Anyone could disguise him; Anything could provoke him. So I took extra care of him. In a nutshell: Soul IS a composite of feelings Mind a manifestation of thoughts The childhood bond between both brothers... They spent most of their time together, and so very well bonded. When Mind had a huge respect for his elder brother, Soul also loved his wee brother. As far as I could see, chemistry between my sons was as beautiful as the perfect picture! As Mind was impulsive, I didn’t let him encounter anything head on. I made Soul to meet the new experiences. And then, his responsibility was to direct his younger brother to respond similarly to same encounters. Everyone knew by now that Mind is his elder brother's reflection. Sooner, he stopped getting any personal attention. Soul answered everywhere, even to the questions asked to Mind. Mind never bothered... in fact, he perceived it as the perks of being younger. No face-off with the new, no efforts, no challenges, nothing... just mugging up the responses directed by Soul. It sounded a good deal to Mind! He had now added a layer of dense cushion around him — and that was the thick boundary of his comfort zone. By and by... Mind became habitually complacent, and Soul was now thoroughly leading his younger brother. All of this was happening under my supervision. I questioned none... neither the expressiveness of Soul nor the ignorance of Mind. We were living happily within the family borders. Being their mother, I was proud of the emotional connect I could build between my two sons. Gradually with: teenage approaching evolution of social world germination of materialistic needs It was time for my sons to step out of their world to meet the outside world. How did soul respond to the outside world? Soul had the knack of expressing his true feelings anywhere; he echoed even here — in the reel world. Most people got offended by his boldness; some even judged his expressiveness. The poor Soul didn’t know transparency levels are different everywhere. And that he’s not supposed to respond candidly everywhere like he does in his inner world. Even he didn’t...



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